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February is National Pet Dental Health Month. Here at State Street Animal Hospital, PC we take this opportunity to educate our clients more about the importance of their pets oral health and care.
Why do we worry about the teeth?
- Dental disease hurts: so it affects our pet’s quality of life, and ability to chew properly.
- Infected teeth and gums stink—literally.
- The offensive odor, called halitosis, is unpleasant to be around.
- Infected teeth and gums are a source of infection for the rest of the body, particularly the heart valves and kidneys.
How can we prevent dental disease?
Brushing your pet’s teeth is the best way to clean them. It is important that you use only pet toothpaste and introduce your cat or dog to the process slowly.
Other methods of cleaning teeth, while not as complete, can also help. Special diets such as Hills prescription T/D or Science Diets Healthy Advantage Oral brand clean the teeth with each meal. Some dental treats, such as CET Veggie Dents for dogs and Greenies Feline Dental Treats are also effective. If you want a complete listing of chews and treats that we recommend, please visit (When giving chew treats you should monitor your pet to make sure they do not try to swallow large pieces, which can cause gastrointestinal problems).
How do we treat dental disease?
A good thorough dental cleaning includes tooth evaluation, scaling, gingival probing and polishing. In some cases surgical extraction of teeth are necessary depending on the health of the tooth which will be evaluated by the Doctor.
For more information on your pet’s dental health needs call us to schedule an appointment.
Ho, Ho, Ho and mistletoe, the holly and the ivy, the time has come to cook the cake and decorate the halls. In the dark cold days of winter the holidays bring us color and delight, and some avoidable risks. Let’s look at a few:
- Holiday greens: Many of our favorite evergreens can cause problems if consumed. Mistletoe is the most toxic. Poinsettias contain a sap, which causes irritation in the mouth and throat causing drooling and stomach upset. Most other greens can upset the stomach.
- Tinsel, ribbons and popcorn strings: Cats love to play with strings, but eating them can be lethal. Any string-like material can get lodged in the intestinal tract and cause severe problems requiring surgery. Popcorn strings are particularly tempting to dogs so keep them out of pet areas.
- Food presents: Dogs and Cats have a sense of smell that is 40-100 times more sensitive than ours. They can smell that wrapped up box of chocolate, or that basket of cheese and sausage despite the cellophane. These treats can cause vomiting, diarrhea and other problems. Keep food presents out of dog and cat reach.
- Garbage: Don’t forget that after the presents are unwrapped, the ribbons are lying around, and the turkey is eaten, the bones and grease are in the pans and garbage. Dogs are notorious for getting into the garbage cans. Cats can jump up on the counter. So lastly, watch for the leftovers when the excitement of Christmas morning is over.
- We’re here for you! If an emergency should arise, we’re here for you. Please don’t hesitate to call if you suspect any problems with your pet!
Have a wonderful, and safe Holiday.
From your Friends at State Street Animal Hospital PC
Fireworks, picnics and other Fourth of July traditions can be great fun for people; but all of the festivities can be frightening and even dangerous for animals. Noisy fireworks and other celebrations can startle animals and cause them to run away; holiday foods can be unhealthy; summer heat and travel can be dangerous; and potentially dangerous debris can end up lying on the ground where pets can eat or play with it.
Whether or not you’re planning your own Independence Day celebration, it’s important to take precautions to keep your pets safe both during and after the July 4th festivities.
Make sure your pets – cats and dogs alike – have identification with up to date information. If your pets aren’t already micro chipped, talk with your veterinarian about microchipping. This simple procedure can greatly improve your chances of getting your pets back if they become lost.
Remember that too much sun and heat (and humidity!) can be dangerous to pets. Keep them inside when it’s extremely hot/humid; make sure they have access to shady spots and plenty of water when outdoors; don’t leave them outside for extended periods in hot weather; and know the signs that your pet may be overheating. Never leave your pet in the car when it’s warm outside. Vehicle interiors heat up much faster than the air around them, and even a short time in a locked car can be dangerous to pets.
We at State Street Animal Hospital hope you have a great Independence Day with your friends, family, and pets!!
What do we want from a flea collar?
- Effectiveness: If the collar doesn’t really control the problem, why wear it? Over the counter flea collars tended to be a weak weapon in the battle against fleas and ticks. The new Seresto collar by Bayer is different. The Seresto collars have the same medication found in the spot-on product Advantage, but the medication is released at a lower constant level. It also has a second component to prevent ticks from staying on or biting your pet. The collar is effective for 8 months (5 months if your pet swims or is bathed frequently).
- Safety: The medications in the Seresto collars are released at a very low constant rate, which gives us protection without heavy doses. These medications affect the flea and tick nervous system with minimal ability to influence the cat, dog or human system. This makes them very safe for us and very effective against the flea and tick. Even if the collar is licked or chewed on it has minimal risk: if a dog ate the collar we would be more worried about physical blockage than drug exposure. The collar also has a physical safety feature that allows it to come loose from the pet if it is caught on a branch or fence so the pet won’t hang himself. One final plus, the collar has optional reflectors that can be attached to increase pet visibility at night.
Collars are a good option for some pets that tolerate wearing a collar and are outdoors a lot. There are many good options available at your Veterinary office. At State Street Animal Hospital we are happy to discuss your pet’s risks and help you choose the best way to protect them from parasite pests.
Should our dogs be taking vitamins as they age? Healthy pets who are eating pre-made food, meaning dry kibble or wet food, with a label on the bag that says the food meets AAFCO standards, do not require vitamins as their diets are pre-balanced with the essential amino acids and vitamins. However, as pets do age, they may benefit from other supportive products including joint supplements and skin supplements. Pets with underlying health issues such as allergies may benefit from other dietary supplements as well.
How do I know what’s a good food and what isn’t?
Great question! There are several considerations for picking out an appropriate food for your pet. Let’s break it down into pieces:
Ingredient quality – What are the first three ingredients? Do they include by-products?
AAFCO statement – AAFCO, the Association of American Feed Control Officials, puts a label or statement on foods that have passed their testing to be considered balanced for essential nutrients.
Does the food meet your pet’s health needs? For example, there are diets available that are specially formulated for pets with diseases such as urinary, kidney, or thyroid disease. Additionally, some foods contain additional supplements that may decrease signs associated with arthritis or skin disease.
What is your pet’s lifestyle? Some diets are specially formulated to be higher in carbohydrate, fat, and protein levels to supplement increased activity levels. Dogs who are candidates for these diets include working dogs and sled dogs. The average dog who is active for 1-2 hours per day does not usually require the extra calories.
We put our dog Abbey on a grain and chicken free diet, which seemed to help with her allergies. Now I am seeing that grain free diets may possibly be leading to heart disease. Now I’m not sure what we should feed her????
Recent investigations have found a possible correlation between grain-free diets and heart disease in dogs. Currently, there is little evidence that grain actually causes allergy symptoms. Often by switching dogs to a grain-free diet, the overall ingredient quality of the diet is improved and this contributes to better health. As new research is released, we are committed to keeping clients updated. In the meantime, we don’t generally recommend grain free diets. For pets who are stable on a grain free diet, we recommend supplementing taurine (the amino acid that contributes to heart disease), available in pill supplements, and more frequent wellness checks (for example every 6 months) with chest x-rays when possible to detect heart disease as early as possible.
“As previously reported by American Veterinarian®, there is a notable discrepancy between the types of pet foods veterinarians and pet owners believe to be healthy for dogs and cats. For instance, when asked whether low- or no-grain diets are healthier for dogs, 46% of pet owners said yes, while 63% of veterinary professionals said no, according to a survey conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. Similarly, 63% of pet owners said corn was not healthy for dogs, but 50% of veterinarians said it was.
Could a gap in knowledge become detrimental to pets?
Today, the FDA released a warning to veterinarians and pet owners about reports of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs eating pet foods that contained peas, lentils, legume seeds, or potatoes as the main ingredients. It is not yet known how these ingredients are linked to cases of DCM.
The reports raised a red flag because DCM is occurring more frequently in breeds that are not considered genetically predisposed to developing the disease, including golden retrievers, Labrador retrievers, whippets, a Shih Tzu, a bulldog, miniature schnauzers, and mixed breeds.
In the cases reported to the FDA, the dogs were being fed diets that commonly listed potatoes or multiple legumes as well as their protein, starch, and fiber sources early in the ingredient list, indicating that those were the main ingredients. High levels of legumes or potatoes are found often in products labeled as “grain-free.”
The medical records for 4 of the atypical DCM cases—3 golden retrievers and 1 Labrador retriever—revealed that the dogs had low whole blood levels of taurine, which is documented as potentially leading to DCM.
The FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine and the Veterinary Laboratory Investigation and Response Network are investigating this potential association. According to the FDA, early reports from the veterinary cardiology community indicate that the dogs ate these foods consistently for time periods ranging from months to years.
In an article that originally appeared on the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University’s blog Petfoodology, Lisa M. Freeman, DVM, PhD, DACVN, recalled a recent patient that was diagnosed with DCM at the school’s hospital. Upon further evaluation, it was discovered that the 4-year-old beagle-Labrador mix had been fed a grain-free pet food that contained kangaroo meat and chickpeas.
“Recently, some astute cardiologists noticed higher rates of DCM in golden retrievers and some atypical dog breeds,” Dr. Freeman wrote. “They also noticed that both the typical and atypical breeds were more likely to be eating boutique or grain-free diets, and diets with exotic ingredients—kangaroo, lentils, duck, pea, fava bean, buffalo, tapioca, salmon, lamb, barley, bison, venison, and chickpeas. Even some vegan diets have been associated. It has even been seen in dogs eating raw or home-prepared diets.”
While the investigation is ongoing, the FDA is encouraging pet owners and veterinary professionals to report cases of DCM that may be linked to a dog’s diet by using the Safety Reporting Portal.”
See original article here
An excellent web video called “Cat Carriers: Friend not Foe” is available which demonstrates the recommendations listed below. Please feel free to use this link to see the site:
Step 1)
Choose a good carrier:
An ideal carrier is safe, easy to clean, easy to get your cat into and out of, and a reasonable size for you to carry. Many an injury can occur when a frightened cat jumps out of an owner’s arm, or is loose in the car during a sudden stop. Carriers that can be opened from the top, a side or that can be easily taken apart and re-assembled work very well. Plastic carriers are easy to clean, which is especially important if a cat has urinated or vomits during the trip. Soft cloth carriers are harder to clean but more comfortable for some cats. A good carrier can be a safe, and even comforting place for the carrier trained cat.
Step 2)
Making the carrier a welcome den for your kitty:
Many people store their cat carrier in the closet or basement and get it out when it is time for that yearly trip to the veterinarian. As a result, the kitty hides when is sees the carrier. The carrier also may smell strange from being stored, and from previous trips during which the cat felt nervous. To help alleviate some stress find that carrier, clean it up and place a nice comforting towel or a piece of clothing from the cat’s favorite person in it. Put the carrier in a place where the kitty often relaxes or sleeps and leave it there with the door open, inviting the cat to rest or play in it. For particularly nervous cats, enticing them to enter the carrier with treats or play can really help. If the carrier is a regular and safe part of the kitty’s life it won’t seem scary when it is time to ride to the veterinary office.
Step 3)
Getting ready for a ride:
Once your cat is used to being in and around the carrier, we need to get her used to the sounds the carrier makes when the door is opened or closed, and the feeling of being picked up and moved. Exercises at home prior to the vet visit can help. Make sure to minimize shifting and bumping when the carrier is carried. (This is why you should avoid getting a carrier bigger than you can comfortably handle.)
Step 4)
Getting used to the car ride:
Some cats feel more comfortable with a blanket or towel draped over the carrier for rides.
Bringing the carrier to the car and getting the cat used to short drives can also help them prepare for future vet trips.
We need to try to make the journey in the car as smooth as possible. During cold weather, warm the car up prior to travel. In hot weather remember that closed cars heat up fast and heat stroke is a concern; so don’t leave pets in closed cars unattended for any length of time. Avoid loud music, and sudden accelerations or stops as much as safe driving allows.
Step 5)
Minimizing stress at the Veterinary Hospital
Try to sit at a distance from dogs in the office and keep a cover over the carrier if kitty is more nervous at the Veterinary office. If your cat is particularly anxious, ask to arrange an appointment during one of the quieter times at the clinic.
While it would be ideal for cats to visit the Veterinary office when it is calm and there are no dogs barking (especially true if the cats don’t live with dogs), that is not always possible. Most small animal practices don’t have the luxury of having a “cat only” area. In order to help our feline patients, State Street Animal Hospital is trying out a “cats only” Wednesday appointment time once a month. Ask us about “Whisker Wednesday” if you would like to try this out to help your feline friend feel less stressed.

Seeing parasites in our pets’ poop grosses just about everyone out. The dangerous parasites are actually the ones you don’t see. Generally, when pet owners see diarrhea or worms they call their vet—which they should—but not all pets with parasites have obvious signs. The stool of a pet with only a few worms may look normal but contain dozens of eggs, and the eggs of the roundworm can survive in soil for 6-10 years. Not only does that make a backyard a source of parasite infection for animals, it means that children who play there and adults who garden there can be exposed. In humans these parasites can cause more serious problems, including gastrointestinal illness and even blindness.
There are several types of worms that may affect our pets and the most common in our region are roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms. Roundworm can spread to people and in some cases migrate into the nervous system and eyes causing blindness. Hookworm can cause skin rashes as the young parasite migrates under human skin. Many people mistakenly think that because they don’t see any diarrhea, their pet doesn’t have parasites but this may not be true. When only a few worms are present their pet may have normal stool but pass several hundred eggs. When a dog is kept in the same yard, the eggs may begin to accumulate, constantly re-exposing the dog and any other animals in the yard. Since the eggs of roundworm cam survive a very long time—even though winter’s ice and snow, a yard that is heavily infested is a risk to humans especially when they eat with unwashed hands after cleaning up after pets. Many pet stores carry “de-worming medications” but these products rarely target all of the varieties of worms. Veterinarians can check a stool sample for the presence of parasite eggs and know exactly which parasites your pet is carrying and what medication will be safest and most effective. Your Veterinary doctor can also set up a preventative program with you to keep everyone safe.
HERE is the good news. Parasite problems can be easily controlled in our pets and good parasite control plus good hygiene can protect your family. Talk to your Veterinarian to set up an appropriate de-worming schedule.
Winter Grooming
- If you normally have your pet’s fur clipped or shaved, keep the length longer in winter to keep your dog warm.
- Nails may require more frequent trimming since your pet is spending more time indoor on soft surfaces. This applies for cats too.
- If you bathe your dog at home make sure he is completely dry before going out.
- Examine the pads of your pet’s feet for signs of cracking or irritation. If you find your pet has cracking call your veterinarian before applying anything to check which products are safe.
Thank you for disposing of your prescription medications appropriately! Due to legal changes, but we can no longer accept donated medications that have been dispensed for patients. We very much appreciate your intentions. To safely dispose of your pet’s unused medications, you may choose one of the following methods:
1. The State Trooper Barracks in Batavia, NY (down the street from our hospital) has a box for medication disposal. All medications are accepted.
2. National & Local Prescription Drug Take Back Events occur regularly at various local locations. These are advertised in local newspapers and on radio stations periodically.
3. You may dispose of certain medications yourself. These medications may be mixed in a closed plastic bag with an absorbent, unpalatable material such as kitty litter, used coffee grounds, or soil. This mixture (in the closed bag) can be mixed with a little water and then be disposed of in household trash.
a. The following medications SHOULD NOT be disposed of using this method and must be brought to the Trooper Barracks:
- Phenobarbitol
- Alprazolam (Xanax)
- Tramadol
- Hydrocodone
- Proin